The NFL Passed New Overtime Rules That Will Guarantee Both Teams Will Get A Possession During Playoff Games

It's such bullshit that the Bills of all teams had to be the ones that got buttfucked by the old rules that caused the NFL to make this switch. But I am thrilled that they did. Not so much because it makes things fair since I always thought that stopping your opponent from getting into your end zone was a perfectly reasonable thing to ask a defense to do if you don't want to lose a game. But now both teams will have a chance to score and nobody will complain.

At least until Week 1 when a shootout between two stud quarterbacks happens again in a standalone prime time game, everyone loses their mind on Twitter, and the rules committee changes the rule to include regular season games as well. However it's nice that if we get a crazy ass game like the Bills/Chiefs game in the playoffs again, we will be able to watch both offenses have a chance to put up points.

This is the part of the blog where I would include all the craziness that happened at the end of that game. But since Goodell's stooges in the NFL's IT department blocks NFL highlights from being shown on the blog, I will include the Tecmo Bowl recreation of the game since it's the next best thing, if not better than the original.

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